Monday Madness
Monday, January 27
The first of the season's Monday Madness dinners. For a mere 100 pesos, almost 80 people were fed a fabulous spaghetti dinner complete with salad and garlic bread. The special game of "T-Shirt Races" was a hit with the crowd. Team #1 went head to head with Team #2 putting on, taking off and passing the huge t-shirts down the line. Thanks to all who made the food and put on the event and especially thanks to all who came and joined in on the fun. Thanks to Tom Ireton for the photos!
Monday, February 17
Another fabulous evening with pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, coleslaw, and potato salad. Don't forget those delightful little cheesecake bites. Again, it was a huge crowd of hungry cruisers eating, drinking and competing in the game of the month. Orange Rolling!! What a hoot to watch those hips swing as contestants tried to get that little orange to roll to the finish line. Thanks to Calvin Pratt for bringing his camera along.