Veleros de Baja Race to Partida
Thanks to our Fleet Captain, Jimmy Loberg for organizing the Veleros de Baja race out to Partida on May 28 - 30. There were about 20 boats at the start but the wind was dead for the sail out so they had to motor. The weather was perfect, and boats were arriving in the anchorage all day. Jimmy went around and invited every boat to the first night's bonfire on the beach. They had almost 60 people! There was enough wood, so they had a second bonfire on the beach the next night with about 30 people. For the sail back they had eight boats at the starting line and enough wind to sail for a couple of hours. But the wind became so light most boats gave up and motorsailed in. Coyote was the only boat to finish. Everyone had such a great time they decided to do one every 3 months. The next one will be the first weekend in September, hopefully between hurricanes.
Thanks to "Sea Otter Jimmy" for the photos and this video: